August 20, 2020BY Meghana
WASHINGTON: Top U.S. tech firms including Amazon.com Inc and Facebook Inc filed a legal brief on Monday backing a challenge to the U.S. President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on the entry of certain foreign worker visa like H-1B visas and managers and specialized workers being transferred within a company on L visas – both visa types used by tech companies also blocks seasonal workers entering on H-2B visas to preserve jobs for Americans amid the economic fallout of the pandemic. An exception for workers in the food supply chain job.
In a lawsuit filed in California by major U.S. business associations, the companies argued that it could do irreparable damage to businesses, workers and further damage the already struggling U.S. economy and was based on a “false assumption” that would protect U.S. workers.
Brief reads “Canada, China, and India, among others, lure well-trained, innovative people, and acquire the skills needed to manage and operate American Companies”
The National Association of Manufacture represents 14,000 member companies that brought a lawsuit signed by 52 US firms among them were Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, and Twitter a similar lawsuit brought in Washington, D.C.