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Immigration Canada extending time for International Students holding Post Graduation Work Permit.

June 25, 2022BY Meghana

The following statement was given by Mr. Honorable Sean Fraser, Canadian Immigration Minister in regards to  the announcement by the Government of Canada to extend time for all the international students who were holding post graduate work permits that was about to expire.

We’re now extending post-graduate work permits to international graduates whose permits expired or will expire between September 20th, 2021, and December 31, 2022.

Tens of thousands of former international students will receive an additional open work permit of 18 months, giving them an opportunity to stay in Canada longer, and helping businesses find the workers they need while allowing us to continue to attract global talent

This special measure represents a growth potential in the economy and will allow more graduates to make IA their home thank you to all those who collaborated with my team to extend this program, and to the international and post-graduate students who keep choosing Canada.

By Sean Fraser Immigration Minister of Canada