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Express Entry: An electronic application management system that enables the RCC to manage skilled labor applications more efficiently by creating a team of qualified candidates, that helps Canada’s immigration goal of developing and building Canadian society and its economy. Provides cream of prospective candidates for employers, provinces, and territories to recruit and select skilled immigrants. Recent estimates suggest that the current labor shortage, especially health, science, skilled trade, transportation, and equipment, will continue into the future. Foreign nationals wishing to immigrate to Canada must meet the minimum requirements specified in the Express Entry Selection Process for programs of various skilled workers, such as Federal Skilled Workers, Federal Skilled Trades, Canadian Experience Class and Provincial Nominee Program. After a preliminary assessment of eligibility, applicants can create an EE profile and be included in the EE pool of candidates. Candidates are informed about CRS scores based on factors including education, work experience, language ability, age, valid job offer, and adaptability criteria.

Federal Skilled Workers (FSW): Prospective applicants aspiring to become the Permanent Resident of Canada under Federal Skilled Workers program will have to fulfill the minimum requirements comprising a set of eligibility criteria such as education, language, experience, age and other requisite qualifications that contribute to the Canadian labor market. Our experts will help to navigate the complex application process from creating the EE profile to the stage where the applicants get their permeant resident status.

Federal Skilled Trades (FST): Any applicant, who wants to become Permeant Resident of Canada based on their ability to become economically established in Canada as workers in a Skilled Trade Occupation defined under IRPR regulations, also known as National Occupational Classification matrix (NOC), grouped with numbers 72, 73, 82,92, 632, and 633 detailing various occupations under this numbers. Also, must meet the language, work experience prescribed under various NOC’s (except for provincial certificate), have a valid job offer from one or two employers (LMIA approved) for full-time employment for at least one year.